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Postcards from Grief - Cosmonauts Avenue
I can listen to airplane engines for hours if it meant dulling the static noises. If it meant I could keep running. If it meant I could stay. If it meant time could stand still, could rewind to when you were still here.
Quitting Your Job Can Help You Be Happier - PopSugar
Even as I found fellow women of color in tech and sat through years of therapy, I found that my misery didn't particularly love company; it only made it worse […] Even as other women would openly weep at my desk, I found myself coldly saying to them, "C'mon. Get it together." The only way I felt I could survive in this space was to put my head down, work hard, and hopefully disappear altogether.
Over the years, I had heard anecdotes from other women that hormonal birth control made them feel depressed or anxious, yet this was the first study that seemed to validate those stories. Even as I researched more, there were no real studies done between mental health and hormonal IUDs. Yet, without a second thought, I had opted to get one right away.